
How I Said Goodbye

June 16, 2021

On the 31st of May 2011, I published my very first post on this blog. It wasn't just my growing passion for photography then that inspired me to launch this page but more because of my then two-year-old Hamlet which clearly explains the site's name. 

Fast forward to June 6, 2021... my Drama Queen as I named her in my first post here > https://hamletslair.blogspot.com/2011/06/my-drama-queen.html, finally crossed the rainbow bridge. It's sad to think that my last blog was for and about her 12th birthday and now, 10 years from the time this site was launched, I'm writing about her passing.

I was visiting Cologne that day with a heavy heart. My thoughts were focused on Hamlet. I shared the experience on my Instagram account the following day. 

I didn't just lose a pet. I lost my most loyal friend, my confidante, my baby. Words are not enough to express my grief and I know not everybody understands. Not everyone gets to love and be loved by such a wonderful creature. But I thank the Creator of heaven and earth who made me a steward of one of His most lovable beings. In my sadness, I recognize the blessing and I know I will be forever grateful that I was given Hamlet. 

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